Training at Reiling

“Only by thinking ahead can we achieve goals in the long run. This is why Reiling is committed to being a group of companies that offers a perspective: For the environment – and in education.”
Lisa Gerling, Training Manager
Flex with sparks (Reiling workshop)

Recycling secures the future. Reiling does so, too!

As a family-owned company with 12 German and 7 European locations, we focus on qualified training opportunities with great development prospects. We train young people whom we want to take on after they have passed their final examinations to open up further career paths for them. In addition to classic apprenticeships, we also offer the option of dual studies.

You may lay the foundation for your career at Reiling in the following professions:

  • Bachelor of Arts – Business Administration
  • Industrial clerk
  • Information technology clerk
  • Businessman for digitization management
  • IT specialist – application development
  • IT specialist – system integration
  • Metal technology specialist (m/f/d)
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Electronics technician for operating technology
  • Construction mechanic Machine and plant operator
  • Professional driver
  • Automotive mechatronics technician

* We offer these apprenticeships and degree programmes in several locations, but we do not do so every year.


Click here for our training brochure – with all job descriptions.

Europäischer Sozialfonds REACT-EU
ESF Nordrhein-Westfalen
Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales NRW
Trainee automotive mechatronics technician

Versatile and crisis-proof

In addition to an exciting and diverse perspective, Reiling opens the gates to a future-proof professional career. We are looking for committed people who are able to identify with the corporate philosophy and support common goals with dedication and motivation. Just as our trainees take responsibility from the very beginning, Reiling shows multifaceted responsibility for the best possible professional development – thanks to more than 50 years of training experience.

Our offers:

  • Sound, extensive training in the recycling industry
  • A pleasant, personal working atmosphere due to a long-standing employee base
  • Targeted training offers and company training measures
  • Participation in trainee day
  • High chances of being taken on after completing the apprenticeship
  • Possibility of a stay abroad during training
  • Participation in internal classes in business English
  • Option of using the company fitness offer
  • Use of corporate benefits
  • Commercial trainees receive a notebook computer
  • Regular external and internal seminars and training
  • Supplementary company health insurance
  • Health care

Construction mechanic (m/f/d)

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Konstrucktionsmechaniker am schweißen

The training period usually is 3.5 years. However, this time may be shortened subject to certain prerequisites. Technical affinity is mandatory: Steel beams are cut to length or profiles such as sheet metal are trimmed to millimetre precision by flame cutting, laser cutting, or CNC machines. Smaller objects such as vehicle superstructures are assembled in the workshop, while larger structures such as halls or bridges are put together on site. Maintenance and repair of metal construction structures or of tools and production machines will also be part of the job. The prerequisite for training as a construction mechanic is at least a Hauptschule secondary school diploma, and ideally a Realschule diploma.

Specialist for metal technology – design technology (m/f/d)

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Fachkraft für Metalltechnik arbeitet an einer Maschiene

This training takes 2 years; however, it can be shortened in cases with corresponding prior education (qualification for university of applied sciences, qualification for university, completed vocational training) or at good operational and academic results. Tasks include creation of dimensioned designs of all kinds, which requires processing and finishing of sheets, pipes, and profiles. Technical documents are used to plan the individual work steps and to determine the respective tools and machines, as well as to set them up accordingly. Getting to know subject-related and mechanical procedures to be applied individually is essential for this profession.

Professional driver (m/f/d)

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Berufskraftfahrer startet LKW

The 3-years’ training can be shortened, e.g. in cases of corresponding prior education or special results. The dual training includes driving school lessons and the driving license test for classes C/CE. The costs for this will be covered by the training operation. Professional drivers are mostly driving trucks. They will review their vehicles for roadworthiness before starting their drive (brakes, wheels, engine, etc.) and are responsible for weighting of the load and the documents to be carried along. Professional drivers not only work behind the wheel, but also in warehouses and vehicle halls.

Vehicle mechatronics engineers for industrial vehicle technology (m/f/d)

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KFZ-Mechatroniker arbeitet an einem LKW

The training takes 3.5 years – however, it can be shortened in cases with corresponding prior education (qualification for university of applied sciences, university, completed vocational training) or at good operational and academic results. Repair of industrial vehicles of all kinds is at the focus. For example, this includes testing the lighting of semitrailers and Unimogs, undercarriage measurements, and inspection of movable elements such as gripping arms. Operation of electronic measuring and diagnosis devices is part of the profession, just as installation of desired additional facilities such as navigation devices, radio or hands-free systems. This work is performed mostly in repair workshops and production halls.

Machine and plant operator (m/f/d)

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Maschinen- und Anlagenführer im Betrieb lacht in die Kamera

The two-years’ training time can be shortened in cases of corresponding prior education or good operational and academic results. Technical comprehension of the end products and production are prerequisites; after all, the required materials, such as metal materials and plastic granulates, must be provided according to the job documents, and the plants must be set up, supplied, and operated accordingly. The entire production process, including quality assurance and packaging of the finished products, must be supervised. Machine and plant operators will take corrective action to adjust processes where there are any deviations to ensure the high-end product standards. Machine maintenance will be part of these tasks as well.

Trainee metal technology specialist in welding

Your path to the future – apply now!

Do you see the opportunities offered by Reiling? Contact us right away. Let us answer any remaining questions together and start your way into a career with prospects!


“We support young people in their career orientation – and offer important decision-making tools with interesting insights!”
Lisa Gerling, Training Manager
Meeting of three trainees

From theory to practice

Are you particularly interested in various topics from the fields of business and the environment? Do you still find it hard to imagine what a working day in the commercial or industrial sector may look like? An internship or holiday job at Reiling gives you some initial insights into exciting professions around the topic of recycling!

Our internationally active company also gives students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice to gain important professional experience. We will also happily support you in preparation of your (bachelor’s and master’s) thesis. Choose your topic in cooperation with the specialist department.

Training at Reiling

Your path to the future – apply now!

We will gladly specify the practice times together with you on an individual basis – just talk to us!